Standing Committees are permanent workgroups to promote the potential and opportunities within the sector, advocate on public policies to promote free trade and a positive business climate or address other interests of our members.
Standing Committees provide members with an opportunity to actively and directly participate in defining, developing, discussing and resolving issues of common interest impacting the operations of their respective businesses as well as the general business environment in Angola.
Purpose of the Compliance Committee:
● Share best practices in Compliance
● Analise regulatory developments impacting members / general business environment
● Compliance with FCPA / Angolan Probity Law / Anti-Corruption Legislation / Data Privacy /
Competition Law, etc.
● Review new AmCham-Angola membership applications
● Provide governance on procurement, partnerships and sponsorships
The purpose of the Agriculture Committee:
● Discuss how to address the challenges in the sector
● Share best practices and technical expertise in the sector
● Analyze the legal and regulatory developments impacting members
● Explore sources of finance
● Encourage sustainable use of resources and promote business opportunities and in Angola.
The propose of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee:
● Share best practices and leverage synergies
● Establish partnerships and encourage businesses to adopt sustainable practices that benefit
the local communities and protect the environment.